Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Whats missing from your camp?

We all know that boxing is a brutal sport. Not on a one-on-one basis with your opponent, but with your body. The toughest part of a 12 round boxing match is the 8-12 weeks you use to prepare and get in shape. The twisting/ rotational forces you put on your body during hours of sparing, shadow boxing and bag work add up. Muscle fibers are torn with every punch thrown leading to scar tissue formation. Yes, your trainer/ strength coach may be working on core exercises with you. Yes, you may have strong abs and be able to take a good body shot. What I want to know is do you ever feel a twinge in your mid to lower back while throwing a punch? Does your back hurt when you breath? A split second twinge in the middle of a fight can cause you the match. So, why neglect something so important?

Trainers and coaches are there to condition your body and mind in preparing for a fight. The thing to understand is they are not medical professionals no matter how knowledgeable they may be. Every good camp should not only have training, coaches, cutman, and sparring partners, but a good medical professional skilled in sports medicine. This could be a chiropractor like myself or a physical therapist. In my approach to sports and athletes I look at body mechanics, the function of the joints and the contraction of each muscle. Believe me when I tell you there are muscles you don't always know of or think about when you have back pain. Just doing a standard core exercise routine with out looking into your weak or tight muscles will only lead you down a road of lost opportunity. 

A good sports medicine professional can work with your team. He can help tailor exercises you can work on with your coaches and trainers to eliminate or limit weak points. In the long run someone like this on your team can help maximize training sessions. Your body will heal quicker. You'll have less aches and pains in between training sessions. 

Dr. Pietro Baio DC
Performance Edge Chiropractic, P.C.
7112 Ave U
Brooklyn, NY 11234

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