Sunday, December 4, 2011

Over Training: What to look for and how to stop it.

We have all been there. Training hard for a fight, or race and all of a sudden training gets side lined. You think to yourself this came from no where. Why did I get sick or injured days before the "Big Show"? Or maybe you have lost your vibe/mojo for training? They say "Fatigue make cowards of us all. " Half way through a big event and you hit the wall. You have nothing left to give and all you want to do is quit and go home.
Well, let me tell you the body is an amazing thing. It is a complicated set of chemical reactions and precision mechanical movement. The body can accomplish anything with the right amount of training, rest, recovery, and nutrition. You just need to be in tune with your body and what it tells you. The body speaks volumes, you just have to be willing to listen.
Signs of over training:

  • Increase heart rate at rest
  • In ability to focus during training or during an event
  • In ability to sleep
  • Constantly getting sick or increase in ease of getting sick
  • Lose of appetite
  • Decreased performance ( speed, strength, endurance0
  • Constant mood swings. 
  • Unexpected weight lose or gain
It is not all in your mind. It is real. Hear your body asking for help. Do something about it. Don't just keep training thinking you can push through it. That will just lead to:
  • Increased cramping
  • Over use injuries
  • Stress fractures. 
Be wise. Take the time to rest and recover. Re-evaluate your diet. You may need more Protein, Carbs or Fats. Incorporate different intensity levels in your training days. Set aside low, moderate and high intensity days to allow for muscle recovery. Use modalities such as chiropractic, massage, hyperbaric chambers, Russian stym, ice and compression therapy. Take the time to analyse your training goals and volume. Keep track of your performance numbers ( weight, sets, reps, track speeds and times.) Use a heart rate monitor which can store your training info. Re-evaluate training sessions at the end of each week, on your off days. 

Keep this all in mind. Consider adding some of this info to your current program and watch the improvements. Remember you and your body are one. Don't ignore it, listen to it and it will play dividends in the end. 

Dr.Pietro Baio
Performance Edge Chiropractic
7112 Ave U
Brooklyn, NY 11234

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