Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Knockout Supplements: What to use and why.

As athletes we are always looking to be at the pinnacle of our sport, to reach the peak, and find that added edge over the competition. We work hard at the gym, watch what we eat and take all the latest supplements. You know those supplements that big guy at the gym told you about or you may have read about in a body building magazine. If you get everything you’re told to buy it can cost you tons. I remember spending close to $300 a month on supplements 10 years ago. You start finding your pockets empty at the end of the month. Well, I’m going to go through a few supplements, what they do and let you decided what works for you.

When we look for supplement we look for them to do specific functions to increase our performance. These include muscle building, decrease body fat, increased endurance, decrease recovery time, and decrease injury. The supplement world is full of pills and powders that guarantee results. The truth is only a very few have been proven to work outside of the companies that manufacture them.

We all look to build muscle mass and strength. We want something that is going to help us put a little more snap in that punch or maybe take a hit without having the room spin on us. These supplements usually include protein powders, branch chain amino acids, and creatine. 

When you look at protein powders, they come in many different shapes and sizes. You have whey, casein, soy, and albumin. Most people will have you believe you need these powders and shakes in large quantities to gain muscle. The truth is whole food will give you the essential branch chain amino acids your body needs to grow. The body will produce the rest as needed. The important thing is you eat. Eggs before a workout and whole milk after gives the body what it needs when it needs it. The other important note is to have you protein with carbohydrates. There is a synergistic effect between these two nutrients that aids in the absorption of both carbohydrates and proteins.

Branch chain amino acids (BCAA) all have their own function in the body. Hopefully you are eating enough protein to get adequate amounts. These BCAA’s aid in muscle building and repair. If you think you need more try some Beta alanine(3-5 grams for 4 weeks) for muscle strength and endurance, and glutamine (5-15 grams post workout) for increased muscle healing and increased immune system.

Creatine has been big for a while now. The question is how many of you really know what it does and why we use it? Our body, on average, uses 2-4 grams of creatine. It is used in the muscle to produce ATP ( an energy source used during quick bouts of exercise, i.e sprint drills or a set of weight training). You can find creatine in meats (1-2 grams per pound of meat). Supplementation has shown in many studies to increase lean mass and muscle strength as well as decrease fatigue due to lactic acid build up. Start with a loading cycle of 15-20 g a day for a week and then cut down to 2-4 g.

Caffeine seems to be every where these days. From the local Starbucks to Redbull and vodka. We seem to think it increases our alertness, but what can it do for us in boxing? A good caffeine drink can increase our ability to absorb fat to some extent. Leading to a leaner body. It can also increase endurance and performance in both short and long term events such as sprinting or speed bag work. New research has show that it does not cause a negative fluid balance, AKA Dehydration, like we thought in the past.  So grab yourself a drink before a workout ( 250-600 mg), but don’t over do it on the energy drink. I myself prefer a double expresso before a workout.

You can find most of these supplements on one convenient site. 

Dr. Pietro Baio DC
Performance Edge Chiropractic, P.C.
7112 Ave U
Brooklyn, NY 11234

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