Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to TKO Back Pain

How to TKO Back Pain

We’ve all been there. You wake up the morning after an intense workout and your back is stiff. It hurts to move or breath. You push yourself to go to the gym only to find out your punching power has decreased. You don’t have that hip snap needed to amplify the power of your punches. It just hurts too much. The only thing that make you feel the slightest bit of relief is lying in bed and taking two aspirin.
Back pain is something everyone goes through. The worse thing about back pain is it is like asthma. Once you have it , you’ll always have it.However, you can control the pain and minimize the down time, but it will come back. You have two options. You can either do nothing and waste time lying in bed each and every time it occurs . Doing nothing will take to much time away from training and may cause you to postpone your next fight. Or you can find help decrease the pain and try to speed up the healing process.
As a chiropractor I see cases like these every day. Whether you’re an athlete or not, everyone suffers from back pain. Now, what do we do to limit the frequency and severity of back pain? I usually start with strength and flexibility. It all starts at the abdominal core ( your mid section). This area is a complex area of muscles and bones which support functions such as walking, breathing, bending and twisting. It’s important that you look at yourself and find a balance between your abdominal muscles and lower back muscles. Thanks to your pelvis there is a crisscross relationship between the muscles. The abdominal and hamstring work together  in one direction. While, the lower back muscles and quadriceps work in the other direction. The proper straightening and stretching will allow all this to function optimally and decrease the incidence of lower back pain.
Training exercises such as those found in Yoga and Pilates are great to do to prevent back pain as well as help heal the pain of an injured back. One basic exercise I’d recommend is called "Plank". Simply set yourself up in a push up position and make sure your back is straight. Once you are set, you go down on your elbows and hold the position for 20,30 or even 60 seconds. I would recommend  you build it up.  Once you find this to easy add a stability disc under your feet. You can also increase intensity by raise one leg at a time, remembering to keep you back straight.
In the same position now turn to your side and lie on one side. Remember to keep your body straight. This is called "side plank". You can keep the position and hold or modify it. I usually lower my hips till they touch the ground and come back up to a straight body. This works great on your lower back muscles ( the ones that help you bend and twist). I like to increase the intensity by putting my feet up on a stability disc. Once I feel comfortable and balanced I raise and lower the top leg in this position. This will help strengthen the muscles that stabilize your hips.
There are a lot of other exercises you can do to help strengthen your back. The exercises above are just a good starting point.
Next, I like to do my stretching exercises. It is very important that you stretch and keep your muscles at an optimal length. It isn’t hard for tight hamstrings to lead to a strained back. I usually do the basic hamstring stretch. Standing up straight, I bend down and touch my toes. Remember to keep your back straight. You don’t need to touch the ground you just need to feel a comfortable stretch in your hamstrings. I usually hold every stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 3-4 times. Now,while in the standing position I’ll cross your right leg over your left and touch the ground. Follow by doing the same left over right.
After hamstrings I like to stretch my quadriceps. Find a wall to hold on to for balance and grab one leg and fold it behind you. The idea is to have your heal touch you’re glute area. Your going to feel this one in the hip and knee. 
Now, lie on your back legs straight out. Bring your right knee towards your chest. Then follow with the left knee. Then both knees, like you’re curling into a ball. Follow this stretch with a figure 4 stretch. This will get your glute muscles.
 Finally lie on your stomach with your legs straight out. Use your hands to push you up, while you push your hips into the ground. This will hit your abs.
After a nice workout take a hot shower ( not too hot that you burn yourself). Let the water hit your back.
So, you have done the yoga, pilates, strength, and stretch exercises. You took the hot shower and it’s been a few days. The pain just isn’t going away or maybe you’re in so much pain you can’t even attempt any of the recommended I have made. Well then your next step should be to make an appointment with a chiropractor. You say you don’t like the cracking sound associated with chiropractic. Well chiropractic is more then just cracking your back. After an initial examination to figure out the exact cause of your pain. Is it a strained muscle, a bulging disc, or a pinched nerve? You,will receive a hot or cold pack depending on the cause of your pain. This can be followed by a sports massage, electrical stimulus, ultrasound, or assisted stretches to loosen the muscle tissues affected. With the proper diagnosis and treatment you will be back in the gym in no time.
I will say there may be a select few who may need a surgical procedure to correct severe problems. This may be anything as simple as what I do called Manipulation under anesthesia. Or lower back surgery to remove what is causing the pain. You’re always better off getting down to the point of your problem as soon as possible. The sooner you know, the sooner it can be treated and you can be back to speed with training.

Dr. Pietro Baio DC
Performance Edge Chiropractic, P.C.
7112 Ave U
Brooklyn, NY 11234

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