Monday, November 28, 2011

Fabulous Fats

I think we all know now that there is more to nutrition and training then we thought. Its not just as easy as “ You get hungry, you eat.” The last two months we have gone over the importance of Protein for lean muscle, and Carbs for action packed energy. This month we have the last part of the triple play to speak about, FATS. 
Most people think that fats are just there to annoy us and make us look flabby. Well they are totally wrong. First off, a bare minimum of fat is needed for nerve insulation and organ shock absorption. Secondly, Fats pack a huge amount of energy, the only problem is that energy is slower to develop then energy from carbs. During the course of a day we definitely burn a substantial amount of fat for energy. 
Lets take the explosive Manny Pacquiao into account. He seems to be an effortless fighter with a large energy store. Doesn’t seem to tire much. Once such reason is he is so well trained and conditioned that his energy threshold is high. The better conditioned an athlete is the longer he can utilize fats as an energy source before converting to Carbs. 
The normal individual should usually have 20-25% of his total calories from fats. As you become a more efficient machine, like the PACMAN, you can increase that to 35-40% of total calories. The 144, pound-for-pound champ has the ability to burn up 1000 calories of fat or 110 grams of fat throughout the course of the day. ( based on 3,000 calorie diet).
Now, not all fats are created the equally. Its important that a majority of these fats come from mono and poly unsaturated fats (plant, fish) not Saturated or transfats (backed goods, animal products). Good sources are plant based fats: Flaxseed, olive oil, nuts soy or fish based fats: Tuna, salmon, sardines. You want to limit animal fat  from meats, eggs and dairy. 
Follow these guide lines and your ready to go 12 rounds like the Champ.
Sample fats diet (roughly 1,000 calories for a welterweight weight in training)
Breakfast: milk, yogurt
Lunch: Sardines, Eggs
Post workout meal: Tuna
Snacks: seeds/nuts
Remember: These are only the daily Fats, Carbs and Proteins still need to be added to this diet. 

Dr.Pietro Baio
Performance Edge Chiropractic
7112 Ave U
Brooklyn, NY 11234

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