Monday, November 21, 2011

Get Fit: Ring in the New year in Style

First, let me begin by wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving week. 2011 looks like its shaping up to end with a bang for boxing. With that in mind I think we all would like to get into shape our selves. I think we all like to say that one of our most common new years resolutions is usually fitness oriented. Whether your an athlete or Joe couch potato we usually look at the new year to either lose some unwanted weight, gain some well deserved muscle mass or just live healthier. Its never easy and I can say most of us who do start a new program may find themselves bored or wondering off the path with in a few weeks. I'd like to give everyone a few tips to stay on the bath and find that "Eye of the tiger."
Its usually nice to start off with a goal. Some people (like myself) need a reason to lose the stay or get in shape, specially with the cold weather around. Long term think of maybe a special occasion, or event like a wedding, summer vacation or maybe that summer basketball league or a white collar boxing event. You may even want to take your last physical evaluation into account. Maybe you want to lower your blood sugar or blood pressure. It usually helps to write it down. At to the long term goal a weekly goal. Usually a weight lose goal of 1-2 pounds per week is reasonable. You might even think of adding a few minutes a week to your cardio program. Remember to keep both long and short term goals reasonable and achievable. 
Next, you want to choose an activity you enjoy. If its not fun your not going to stick to it. Pick a sport you enjoy and ease yourself back into it. Say you choose boxing, your not going to head straight into sparring. Start off with shadow boxing. 24 hour fitness has a great aerobic  shadow boxing class to get you started. If basketballs your thing, break the game down before you start playing a full court game with your friends. Some free throws to get you in the rhythm. Follow that up with some spring. Like I said ease into it. 
What also important is having a gym buddy. With peoples busy schedules this may not always be possible, but having someone to workout with and make a game out of fitness is always important in sticking to it. It may be good to go out and try a few gyms. Check out their aerobic classes. You might find some friendly people that go to the gym at the same time and now you have a gym buddy.
Every good fitness/weight lose program is going to require some diet/ life style modification. Two of my favorite saying have always been "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got." and "You are what you eat." The body is a well engineered machine, treat it like such. If you have a Ferrari and fill it up with low grade full it will not perform like a Ferrari. The thing is changing ones diet is easier said then done. To often people try to change all at once. This is difficult for many and will lead you to give up before you start.
My philosophy is slow and steady wins the race. try changing one thing a week. It is every easy to cut out unnecessary calories by doing this. Try replacing soda with seltzer, plain water or green tea with lemon/ and or honey. You can try limited potato chips and using lightly buttered popcorn or low salt pretzels. Substitute vegetables, fruits and nuts for snacks instead of the old coffee cake and donuts. Open your eyes to new experiences and try something new every time you go out to dinner or just pass the grocery store. You may find a fruit or vegetable you don't usually that can wet your apatite.
I hope these few tips can help you get well on your way to a better you in 2012. 

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