Thursday, August 1, 2013

Antioxidant ignorance rampant: only 8 per cent know what they are


SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – ”Antioxidant” is a healthy living buzzword that we hear almost every day.  Top nutritionists, trainers, and health professionals emphasize the importance of antioxidants in maintaining overall health, yet most Americans are still unclear about this life-saving molecule.  A new survey for MonaVie, a leading nutritional products company, by Wakefield Research reveals that a whopping 92 percent of respondents could not give an accurate description when asked what an antioxidant is.  Compounding that result, 91 percent could not recognize one or more sources of foods rich in them, even though 75 percent of Americans say they actively try to eat foods full of these nutritional molecules.  Overall, the survey exposed Americans as misinformed and confused about this vital diet need.

So what are antioxidants and why are they important?  They are molecules that neutralize free radicals, different molecules which can damage living cells.  Free radicals result from oxidation, a natural process which occurs when we digest food, exercise, or simply breathe in and out. Living in environments with pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides also increases free radical production.  The more free radicals in the body, the more opportunity there is for illness and premature aging to occur. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body, thus keeping the body in a healthier, more balanced state.

“Research links over 100 diseases to a high free radical and a low antioxidant count, yet people don’t know that they can take a proactive stance against this risk[1],” states Mark Macdonald, author of the New York Times bestselling book, Body Confidence, and MonaVie spokesperson.  “Based on the standard level of nutrients an average person requires, a large portion of the population is not consuming enough antioxidant-rich foods.[2]  [They] act as the body’s own bodyguard.”

According to Mark, here are five easy ways to incorporate antioxidants into your diet:

  • Begin each day with a serving of berries. Berries are some of the best sources  with blueberries in particular packing a great antioxidant punch.
  • Enjoy your coffee and tea for a quick pick me up. Past research has shown that coffee is a strong source, and green tea also provides similar benefits.  One to two cups a day is recommended.
  • Look for color in your veggies. Rich red, orange, forest green, even purple vegetables usually have bragging rights to high antioxidant levels.
  • Go nuts.  Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans and hazelnuts all contain high levels.
  • Add two servings of MonaVie to your routine. Most people find it challenging to ingest the recommended 9–12 servings of fruits and vegetables. By consuming two six-ounce servings of MonaVie health juice blends daily, you’ll increase your antioxidant load to an optimum level in an easy and convenient way.
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